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Forecast Cart


Exclusively for the intermediacion channel

The intermediacion channel is a pre-schedule predefined amount of products per monnth.
Users CANNOT modify the cart when the intermediacion channel is active.

3 month forecast

Users should be able to switch and view the next 3 month programmed carts.

only ZGEN products

The Forecast car should only show ZGEN products.

Expected Behaviour

`Intermediacion`` Cart
  1. 👉 User has selected the intermediacion channel.
  2. 👉 The Cart has an explicit date when it will be delivered.
  3. 👉 User can review the next 3 months. Only 1 cart exits per month.
  4. 👉 Cart is preloaded with the Forecast API. User can't modify the Cart products nor quantities.
  5. 👉 ZGEN products don't have a price.